THI is designed to deal all ailments of heart; conventional to the most modern therapeutic and diagnostic facilities.
The THI integrates a whole array of noninvasive cardiology services backed by the support of Interventional Cardiologists, Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgeons, Paediatric Cardiologists, Anesthesiologists and dedicated nurses. The department offers lifestyle clinics and wellness programmes detailing exercise patterns and comprehensive cardiac checkups. A high dependency unit equipped with the most modern life supporting mechanisms and monitoring devices has been set up to handle any emergency cardiac situations. The THI center itself is divided into three divisions: Clinical Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, and Surgical Cardiology.
- 24×7 Availability of Cardiologist
- 24×7 Angiogram Angioplasty Services
- Well-equipped Cathlab ICU
- Most Modern Flat Panel Cathlab
- Emergency Angioplasty
- Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery
- Coronary Angiogram
- Heart Valve Replacement
- Beating Heart Surgeries
- Pacemaker Implantation
- Elective Angioplasty
- Preventive Cardiac Program
- Echo, TMT